

At the moment of launching the current release, the Biomovies macOS binaries are unsigned. That means that macOS treats them as untrusted software. So, for executing it, please follow the next steps:

  • Open the Finder.

  • Locate the app (it might be in the Applications folder, or it might still be in your Downloads folder).

  • Ctrl-Click or right-click on the app.

  • Select Open from the resultant menu and the app will be opened anyway, and an exception will be created for opening it normally (i.e. by double-clicking) in future.

If the above steps don’t work, here they are the workarounds for make working both the universal (Intel) and Apple silicon (arm64) version of Biomovies:

Universal / Intel

A universal binary runs natively on both Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac computers, because it contains executable code for both architectures. For downloading the Universal version of Biomovies, go to the website download section and click the macOS Universal button. Note that, though this version works as well with an Apple silicon computer, the ARM64 version is recommended for being more optimized for this kind of architecture.

Download the dmg file, install the application dragging the icon to the Applications folder, and, before opening the application, open Settings > Security and Privacy and click Anywhere under the Allow apps downloaded from section:

Note that this option has disappeared from Mac OS High Sierra onwards, so in this case, select App Store and identified developers. After that, try to open the application and this message will be shown:

Go back to Settings > Security and Privacy and, below App Store and identified developers a new message will be shown:

“Biomovies” was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer

Click the Open Anyway button at right and now the application should work.

Apple silicon / ARM64

An Apple silicon binary runs only in Apple silicon computers. For downloading the Apple silicon version of Biomovies, go to the website download section and click the macOS Apple Silicon button.

Download the dmg file, install the application dragging the icon to the Applications folder, and, before opening the application, open the Terminal, type the following code and press Enter:

xattr -r -d /Applications/

Now the application should work properly.


For downloading the Ubuntu version of Biomovies, go to the website download section and click the Ubuntu button (.deb and .AppImage binaries available). At the moment of launching the current release, there is only a x64 architecture binary for Ubuntu.


Command line

Open the Terminal and type the following code:

sudo apt install path_to_deb_file

Be sure to put the absolute / relative path, not just the file name.

Graphical User Interface

Right click on .deb file, select Open With Other Application and select Software Install. This opens Ubuntu Software. Click Install button:

Now the application is installed in your computer.


First off, be sure to have FUSE installed in your coumputer. If not, please, type on terminal:

sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2  # Ubuntu < 22.04
sudo apt install libfuse2 # Ubuntu >= 22.04

Command line

Open the Terminal and type the following code:

chmod +x path_to_AppImage_file

Be sure to put the absolute / relative path, not just the file name.

Graphical User Interface

Double click .AppImage file.


For downloading the Windows version of Biomovies, go to the website download section and click the Windows button. At the moment of launching the current release, there is only a x64 architecture binary for Windows.

Windows treats the Biomovies executable file as an unrecognized app. So, after double clicking the .exe file, Windows will open the following window:

Click on More info and then, on Run anyway button for starting the installation.